Below is an email from the authors lawyer brother sent to the journalist Christine McKee on 23 May 2019.
McKee wrote the five articles about the authors allegations of sexual assaults and rape in the book A Long Way from No Go in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin without investigating the allegations.
Have you worked out yet that you've been conned by a narcissistic psychopath, Pam Williams, and that her "memoir" A Long Way from No Go is every bit as ridiculous as her made up blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng, not to mention the lies, fiction, fantasy and make believe that is central to her rapacious need to be the centre of attention.
You, Cathi Lewis from Wild Dingo Press the publisher of A Long Road from No Go, and the ghost writer of the book, Julie Szego are a disgrace to journalism.
Cathi Lewis is probably the most appalling because she kept promoting the book despite being advised by a number of people that the book was full of lies and that the allegations were easily rebuttable, that Pam is delusional and suffers from serious mental health problems as well as being a psychopath. As my younger sister said, "What sort of low-life is she (Cathi Lewis) that she hasn't got the decency to respond to you and Patricia. I'm not going to waste my time telling her what mad Pam said about mum and dad in the little house in Eton Street just isn't true."
A cousin nailed it when she said, "these three, (you, Cathi Lewis and Julie Szego) are nothing but white trash racist scum because they think they're better than us (blackfellas), poor Uncle Georgie."
I won't bother repeating what Margaret, the Aboriginal woman named in the book who was at The Range with Pam said, or the woman from Longreach who swam at the same regionals in Rockhampton in 1968, or several women who knew Pam at The Range, or any number of Aboriginal people who have had dealings with Pam throughout her working life.
I read Pam's PhD - if a blackfella comedian got hold of it they'd have a field day doing skits on what she wrote, it's full of lies and mistakes.
You should have read her journal article from Psychotherapy and Politics International, 10(3), 205-218. (2012). Living in the Shadows, Healing in the Law: An Aboriginal Experience of Recovery using Psychotherapy and Aboriginal Spiritual Practice, where Pam says from the age of five she was subjected to sexual abuse by white male adults and ritualistic abuse by adults in Longreach and also Brisbane where she often travelled to participate in Queensland State swimming competitions. During this time she said she was also drinking heavily, at the age of five to twelve, [really, seriously, don't think so.] Pam never swam at the state titles, she never went to Brisbane. One gets the impression she was having sex with most of the adult male population of Longreach and she was drunk while she was doing it starting from the age of five through to the age of twelve. It's delusional, madness, fantasy and straight out lies, most people with a modicum of intelligence and common sense would question these allegations.
To put it bluntly Pam was born mad, she didn't develop her mental illness as a result of being supposedly molested by a priest who wasn't even there (at any stage of her life) nor was she sexually abused by the majority of the male population of Longreach and certainly no one in Brisbane abused her when she alleged because she had never been to Brisbane, she made it all up to fit the narrative and you, Cathi Lewis and Julie Szego fell for it hook, line and sinker.
I recall phoning you on Friday 31 August 2018 after I had received your first articles that had been published in the Morning Bulletin and told you that Pam's mad and she has a propensity for telling lies and what she alleged about our father and the two priests was a total fabrication and could easily be rebutted. Your response was, "she's telling the truth." and you were adamant she was telling the truth. My thoughts were just another stupid whitefella conned by Pam.
As you should know by now, she wasn't telling the truth and if you had done even the smallest amount of investigation you would have realized you were dealing with a seriously mentally disturbed woman who will stop at nothing so that she can be seen as a martyr and an "amazing" human being. Don't feel too bad about being conned by a psychopath, Pam is very good at that, and a lot of whitefellas over the years have fallen for her lies. Whitefellas want to believe her garbage, thankfully most blackfellas know what Pam is like, hence her name in the blackfella community, Mad Pam.
Even her daughter Arika Errington in one of her many vile, abusive emails (to a number of people who didn't bother responding to her) said her mother was loopy.
I, like my father, am an atheist, and like him I have no interest in religion or the Catholic church but I do have a strong belief in the law, truth and justice, and if your lack of investigation in relation to your three articles published in August/September 2018 was bad enough, your article on Saturday, 22 December was appalling.
You should have researched and investigated the sexual abuse at Neerkol properly in the above article.
I actually took the time to read the 147 page transcript of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Public Hearing - Case Study 26. Tuesday 14 April 2015 and the Royal Commission's Report of Case Study No. 26 and the Father John whom you named in your article could not have been Grove Johnson.
I hope that in future if you do any more sensational investigative articles you at least do some research and investigating before publishing them because if you had done so with Pam's allegations they would have been consigned to the garbage where they belong.
You have done untold harm to a number of decent people in publishing Pam's lies as verbatim and we are left with the horrendous fallout from her madness and lies. Why can't you publish what her family says as verbatim, obviously not because it would make you look like a fool - and the sad thing is we are the ones telling the truth.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I look forward to your non-response
Kevin Williams BA (CQU) LLB (UNSW) LLM (SCU)
POST SCRIPT: After the five articles written by Christine McKee in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin (RMB) were exposed as lies by the author (Pam Williams aka the fictitiously named Tjanara Goreng Goreng), News Corp the owner of the RMB published an online clarification (see in the details section for the full transcript.)
ABC on their website also posted a correction after the author was interviewed by Fran Kelly on AM on 4 September 2018 (see details section)
Also to set the record straight about the authors family News Corp published in the RMB on 19 March 2019 "Local Indigenous Identity Leaves Her Mark on Region" telling the truth about the authors parents and family. (see Links)
The authors older lawyer brother Kevin a well known and respected Wakka Wakka man in the Aboriginal community, academic and legal circles makes the point about the author, "our sister who is known in the Aboriginal community as Mad Pam, and now goes by the silly made up blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng has suffered from serious mental health problems all her life and has a propensity for telling lies, is delusional, fantasizes and lives a life of make believe.
None of what she alleges about her father George Williams and the two priests Mick Hayes and Grove Johnston ever happened and it can be proven beyond doubt that the alleged rapes never took place.
It's just Mad Pam needing to lie to be the centre of attention and to be seen as an "amazing" human being when in reality she is a liar and a thief, is a narcissist and her work history is one of a typical psychopath. Kevin said he deals with hard facts and evidence and can rebut the rubbish and lies that Pam sprouts and will continue to do so on behalf of the Williams family while Mad Pam thinks she can get away with her lies.