Tjanara Goreng Goreng with Julie Szego
All of the author's allegations in her book A Long Way from No Go as they relate to her life in Longreach and Rockhampton have been totally discredited and shown to be lies, delusional fantasy, fiction and make believe by the author Pam Williams aka Tjanara Goreng Goreng (which is a silly made up aboriginal name and an explanation as to how silly and how offensive it is to Goreng Goreng people is provided later in this paper.)
Pam Williams can be best described as a self obsessed narcissist who has no interest in the truth and is only interested in being the centre of attention. She has suffered from serious mental health problems since she was born (Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder.)
Wild Dingo Press published the above “memoir” on 1 September 2018. Cathi Lewis is the publisher and Julie Szego is the ghost writer of the book. It was launched at the Brisbane Writers Festival 9 September 2018 by the author who goes by the silly offensive made up Aboriginal name Tjanara Goreng Goreng (why it is so silly and offensive to Goreng Goreng people is revealed later in this paper) and the publisher Cathi Lewis.
Christine McKee is a journalist from the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin (RMB) who wrote five articles on 30/31 August and 1 September 2018 as well as a follow up article on 22 December 2018 in that newspaper detailing a number of shocking allegations regarding the author’s supposed sexual abuse at the hands of two Catholic priests which is detailed in the book.
Following are headlines of the RMB's five McKee articles, The Sins of the Father, 30 August 2018; Memoir covers dark side of priest, 30 August 2018; Sydney priest says sex claims "inconceivable" 31 August 2018; Healing the dark shadows of shame, 1 September 2018; and New victims come forward after tell-all book released, 22 December 2018.
Tjanara Goreng Goreng with Julie Szego
All of the author's allegations in her book A Long Way from No Go as they relate to her life in Longreach and Rockhampton have been totally discredited and shown to be lies, delusional fantasy, fiction and make believe by the author Pam Williams aka Tjanara Goreng Goreng (which is a silly made up aboriginal name and an explanation as to how silly and how offensive it is to Goreng Goreng people is provided later in this paper.)
Pam Williams can be best described as a self obsessed narcissist who has no interest in the truth and is only interested in being the centre of attention. She has suffered from serious mental health problems since she was born (Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder.)
Wild Dingo Press published the above “memoir” on 1 September 2018. Cathi Lewis is the publisher and Julie Szego is the ghost writer of the book. It was launched at the Brisbane Writers Festival 9 September 2018 by the author who goes by the silly offensive made up Aboriginal name Tjanara Goreng Goreng (why it is so silly and offensive to Goreng Goreng people is revealed later in this paper) and the publisher Cathi Lewis.
Christine McKee is a journalist from the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin (RMB) who wrote five articles on 30/31 August and 1 September 2018 as well as a follow up article on 22 December 2018 in that newspaper detailing a number of shocking allegations regarding the author’s supposed sexual abuse at the hands of two Catholic priests which is detailed in the book.
Following are headlines of the RMB's five McKee articles, The Sins of the Father, 30 August 2018; Memoir covers dark side of priest, 30 August 2018; Sydney priest says sex claims "inconceivable" 31 August 2018; Healing the dark shadows of shame, 1 September 2018; and New victims come forward after tell-all book released, 22 December 2018.

Christine McKee, Journalist
Rockhampton Morning Bulletin
Indeed she craves attention, has always been an attention seeker throughout her whole life and if one reads the book, taking this into account, you will be extremely disturbed by how evil, manipulative and morally bankrupt she is.
Tjanara Goreng Goreng will be referred to by her real name Pam Williams throughout this article because to refer to her by her fictitious Aboriginal name, Tjanara Goreng Goreng, is a gross insult to Goreng Goreng people.
How Pam decided to change her name to a tribe that she has absolutely no connection with will be explained later in this paper. Her family don’t acknowledge her fictitious Aboriginal name, they just think it’s stupid and typical of Pam’s mad behaviour. They are more concerned about how hurtful it is to Goreng Goreng people.
If Pam Williams was white her allegations of rape, sexual abuse, molestation etc. would be thoroughly scrutinised and investigated but, because she’s Aboriginal, she gets a free pass from the likes of Cathi Lewis, Julie Szego and Christine McKee and her lies, fantasy, fiction and make believe end up in the public domain without any investigation.
Tjanara Goreng Goreng will be referred to by her real name Pam Williams throughout this article because to refer to her by her fictitious Aboriginal name, Tjanara Goreng Goreng, is a gross insult to Goreng Goreng people.
How Pam decided to change her name to a tribe that she has absolutely no connection with will be explained later in this paper. Her family don’t acknowledge her fictitious Aboriginal name, they just think it’s stupid and typical of Pam’s mad behaviour. They are more concerned about how hurtful it is to Goreng Goreng people.
If Pam Williams was white her allegations of rape, sexual abuse, molestation etc. would be thoroughly scrutinised and investigated but, because she’s Aboriginal, she gets a free pass from the likes of Cathi Lewis, Julie Szego and Christine McKee and her lies, fantasy, fiction and make believe end up in the public domain without any investigation.
Julie Szego, Ghostwriter A Long Way from No Go |
As a consequence, a number of innocent people are vilified by the author Pam Williams who because of the lies she has told has nothing but contempt for the truth. These three innocent people that she lied about have since passed away so defamation action cannot be taken against the author because, as lawyers know, dead people can’t sue. Her contempt is detailed in the attachments to this website.
It's unfortunate Australian defamation laws don't cover the deceased unlike for instance in Germany where under their Constitution a persons reputation is protected from harm after their death. Pam knew the deceased (or anyone on their behalf) couldn't take legal action against her lies about them (George Williams, Mick Hayes and Grove Johnston) and she told her older sister Patricia just before the McKee articles surfaced in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin that she couldn't be sued for what she says about dead people. How devious and evil is that?
As her older brother said “Pam wouldn’t recognise truth if confronted by it in an identity parade”.
A Long Way From No Go in the publicity release by Cathi Lewis publisher of Wild Dingo Press is described as, “This is the memoir of an Aboriginal woman, Tjanara Goreng Goreng, who began life without any of the advantages of her fellow non-indigenous Australians except for grit, determination and diverse talents in spades. Through one woman’s story, this book shines a light on the shameful treatment and betrayal of first Australians by individuals and social institutions since European takeover. This is a story of resilience, courage and Tjanara’s remarkable capacity to overcome unending barriers. She is an inspiration to all fellow Australians and more specifically to the disenfranchised, marginalised and voiceless Aboriginal communities.
As a number of people who know Pam (the fictitious Tjanara Goreng Goreng) have said, nothing could be further from the truth. Pam Williams is known in the Aboriginal community as Mad Pam - it is not said in a nasty or malicious way it is just that, she is mad (Eureka Street, Child abuse and the church, media and police. Frank Brennan 01 September 2018, comment by Kevin Williams). If she is so amazing and inspirational then one has to ask the question “why isn’t she asked (indeed implored) by Aboriginal people to represent them and speak on their behalf”? The few times she has is an aberration and because Aboriginal people know she is seriously unstable and cares for no interest save her own fame and gratification, her behaviour reveals a contempt for decency, honesty, rules and truth.
Even her daughter Arika Errington said in one of her abusive emails to Pam's older sister that her mother is loopy.
Unfortunately, there are many whitefellas out there who want to believe her lies and, like most people who can be described as psychopaths, her primary goal is to be seen as a loving, wonderful caring person when in reality she is the total opposite. When Pam got divorced she told the Family Law Court the most appalling lies about her parents saying they were alcoholics who used to bash her constantly. It wasn't true it was merely a ploy to get custody (which she didn't get) of the only child of the relationship. The Family Court actually investigated these allegations about her parents and realised that Pam was telling lies. There are other things she did in this instance but that can be left for a later date. It is appalling what she has done to her parents over the years.
She is very good at ingratiating herself into people’s lives, but after a while most distance themselves from her because they realize there is something seriously wrong with her. Take a look at her work history - it is like the work history of a psychopath. She never stays long at any one job before she moves on or is moved on. There have been times when she has applied for senior public service positions e.g with Carmen Lawrence when she was the health minister and the ministers staff actually checked up on Pam's work history and realized they were dealing with a person who had a propensity for telling lies about her working life, needless to say Pam never got interviewed.
She’s no longer at CAEPR where she did her PhD, they were notified about the lies in the book A Long Way From No Go and were advised of the problems with her thesis as it related to her family's history. Her older lawyer brother was told of Pam's dummy spit when she'd cleaned out her desk and left CAEPR.
Blackfellas laugh about the $6000 leather couch destined for the Indigenous Student Centre at Melbourne Uni where she worked but somehow delivery took a detour to Pam’s place where the couch stayed until an audit of the Centre was done and it was discovered that fraud was perpetrated by Pam and she was moved on.
The reality is, if she didn’t have the parents she had, Pam would never have achieved anything. As her older brother prominent Aboriginal lawyer Kevin Williams said “Our parents sweated blood to give us a better life than they could ever have hoped to have had.”
It is worth reading the article about the author's mothers 90th birthday celebration published in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin on 19 March 2019 to understand what Pam’s mother and father sacrificed to give their seven children a better life. [Celebrating the life of Maureen Williams: P18-19 (p8); Local Indigenous identity leaves her mark on region (p18-19)]
She is very good at ingratiating herself into people’s lives, but after a while most distance themselves from her because they realize there is something seriously wrong with her. Take a look at her work history - it is like the work history of a psychopath. She never stays long at any one job before she moves on or is moved on. There have been times when she has applied for senior public service positions e.g with Carmen Lawrence when she was the health minister and the ministers staff actually checked up on Pam's work history and realized they were dealing with a person who had a propensity for telling lies about her working life, needless to say Pam never got interviewed.
She’s no longer at CAEPR where she did her PhD, they were notified about the lies in the book A Long Way From No Go and were advised of the problems with her thesis as it related to her family's history. Her older lawyer brother was told of Pam's dummy spit when she'd cleaned out her desk and left CAEPR.
Blackfellas laugh about the $6000 leather couch destined for the Indigenous Student Centre at Melbourne Uni where she worked but somehow delivery took a detour to Pam’s place where the couch stayed until an audit of the Centre was done and it was discovered that fraud was perpetrated by Pam and she was moved on.
The reality is, if she didn’t have the parents she had, Pam would never have achieved anything. As her older brother prominent Aboriginal lawyer Kevin Williams said “Our parents sweated blood to give us a better life than they could ever have hoped to have had.”
It is worth reading the article about the author's mothers 90th birthday celebration published in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin on 19 March 2019 to understand what Pam’s mother and father sacrificed to give their seven children a better life. [Celebrating the life of Maureen Williams: P18-19 (p8); Local Indigenous identity leaves her mark on region (p18-19)]
The publisher of the book A Long Way From No Go, Cathi Lewis, was given a plethora of information detailing the lies, fantasy, fiction, untruths and make believe madness in the book but despite Lewis’s disclaimer in the book “Every care has been taken to verify names, dates and details throughout this book. But, as much is reliant on memory, some unintentional errors may have occurred. The Publisher assumes no legal liability or responsibilities for inaccuracies; they do, however, welcome any information that will redress them.” Cathi Lewis ignored all of the lies, make believe, fantasy and fiction from the author. Cathi Lewis was given information by several people that what was written in the book was delusional, lies and fantasy concocted by the author Pam Williams and was advised that the author has serious mental health issues. What sort of person is Cathi Lewis that she ignores the truth and continues to promote the lies, fiction and fantasy in the book A Long Way from No Go? The book description on the Wild Dingo Press website is hilarious, people who know Pam just shake their heads in disbelief at the rubbish Cathi Lewis is responsible for e.g Pam is described as having grit, humour and diverse talents in spades as Pam's younger sister said if Lewis had said she was a liar, psychopath, evil and a thief it would be the truth.
Yes she has ignored the truth about how devious and delusional Pam is and continues to promote this book, for example the Williamstown Literary Festival 15/16 June 2019, where in the bio of Pam on the festival website Pam said she composes music with her brothers in her spare time. Her oldest brother hasn't spoken to Pam for many years and her other older brother the lawyer Kevin has said the only time he has dealt with Pam is when he has threatened Pam with legal action at the request of Pams three sisters to get back property she stole from her mother on a number of occasions which he has kept records of and can categorically state that he has not spoken to Pam since the mid 80's so it's fair to say that they don't compose music with Pam.
The quilt that her mother made that Pam alludes to in the book, hanging in her older sister’s house, was initially stolen by Pam from her mother and it got to the stage where the matter was lodged in the Magistrates Court to get it back. Pam was also advised by her lawyer brother that if she didn't return it she would also be exposed as a fraud to her current employer.
Pam returned the quilt.
Wakka Wakka
The Williams family joke that whenever Pam has turned up to see their Mum and Dad (and you could count that on the fingers of one hand in the last 40 years) she steals something. As her older brother lawyer Kevin said Pam is mad and has been since the day she was born, there is also ample evidence to show that she is also a liar and a thief.
"We (the Williams family) have tolerated and lived with her madness all our life and have dealt with her lies and madness as best we could but what she has alleged against our father is beyond the pale and this is the reason we have taken a stance to expose her for the fraud she is."
Pam despises her older brother Kevin because he carries the Wakka Wakka knowledge and history of the Williams family. As he said, perhaps it was prescient of our parents to with-hold blackfella knowledge from Pam because they knew that she would use it for the wrong reasons. Pam actually asked her younger sister to get the family knowledge from Kevin, Pam’s sister’s response was “ask him yourself”. Needless to say Kevin never heard from Pam.
Pam has a propensity to make up things and expects people to go along with what she says but when she is called out for her lies she backtracks or tries to cover her lies with more lies. For example her fictitious blackfella name, Tjanara Goreng Goreng. In the year of the Bicentenary 1988 Pam decided to change her name to Tjanara Goreng Goreng which poses a problem because Pam is not Goreng Goreng she is Wakka Wakka. Pam's two younger sisters were having a laugh one day after Pam decided to change her name to the silly Tjanara Goreng Goreng, they each decided to make up a blackfella name for themselves one said "I'll call myself Jedda Wakka Wakka and the other said "I'll call myself Jezabell Wuli Wuli." and blackfellas can think we're mad too just like Pam. They at least knew that they got the tribes right which is more than Pam every did with her silly offensive name Tjanara Goreng Goreng.
As other members of the Williams family and many relatives can tell you they are not Goreng Goreng, “we are Wakka Wakka, never have been, never will be Goreng Goreng,” yet Pam tries to explain it away in the book by saying on page 90 "rejecting my English surname ...for Goreng Goreng, one of our clan names through intermarriage." No-one in the Williams family is married to any Goreng Goreng person. Her older brother said this is just another barefaced lie, it is so typical of Mad Pam, she just makes something up and expects everyone to go along with what she says regardless of how offensive it is.
Pam didn't even know she was Wakka Wakka so she just picked out a blackfella tribe near where she knew Mum came from but she picked the wrong one and now she is trying to explain it away by saying it's through intermarriage which it isn't. On another occasion, in an effort to try and make her fictitious Goreng Goreng name believable, she said she was given the name by a friend of her mothers who is now deceased, which not only is a lie, it is offensive to the deceased woman in question and not the way things are done anyway. It's like waking up one day and saying I'm going to call myself Womba Womba Gubbi Gubbi and expect people to accept such madness.
Pam has gone through a few name changes over the years from Pam Williams to Pam Errington to Pam Errington-Williams to Pam Tjanara Williams to the current offensive fictitious blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng. Her most recent name change happened in April 2020, Pam now calls herself Auntie Dr. Tjanara Goreng Goreng. People need to realize that to be called Auntie in the Aboriginal community is a sign of respect which precludes Pam because of her history of lies, theft and appalling behaviour. Pam has just decided to call herself auntie but she is too well known in the Aboriginal community as Mad Pam to be accorded a title of respect such as Auntie. This is just another instance of Pam doing what she thinks she can get away with and expecting people to go along with her silliness. Pam gets confused quite often, she's been called out for calling herself Auntie so she doesn't do it anymore she now calls herself a senior Aboriginal person which means absolutely nothing to blackfellas and she'll never be an Aboriginal elder because she was never given any knowledge of custom and lore from her Wakka Wakka mother despite what she says which is yet another of her lies, it's just Pam the pathological liar talking rubbish.
Pam talks about herself as an "elder in training". There are a number of blackfellas who when hearing this laughed their heads off, they know it's just rubbish talk. A separate page will be set up to explain that there is no such thing as an "elder in training". This is sillier than her calling herself a medicine woman. Just a bit more delusional fantasy made up by Pam.
In the book she says she was raped by a Catholic priest in Longreach (at age 6) when it can be established beyond doubt that the priest had never been to Longreach so Pam then says it happened in Rockhampton. It begs the question “how could she have been in Rockhampton at age 6 when her family lived in Longreach and she had never been to Rockhampton until she swam at the regional swimming meet in 1968”. In the interview with Fran Kelly on AM 4 September 2018 she said that her father took her to the Bishop’s House in Rockhampton in 1969 (at age 11) to be raped by two catholic priests when she was to swim at the regional swimming carnival. In the book she said they stayed in a house across the road from the Bishops residence. The reality is Pam swam at the regionals in 1968 not 1969 and her older brother Kevin was with their father and Pam.
He can confirm that they never went to any Bishop's House, that their father was an atheist and had nothing to do with the Catholic Church, religion or priests. He also confirms that they stayed at the People’s Palace which was the cheapest accommodation in Rockhampton and walked to and from the swimming pool where she swam.
Kevin said the People’s Palace was several kilometers from any Bishop's House which we never went anywhere near anyway. 1968 was the only time Pam swam at the Rockhampton regionals. Kevin advises that he has an eidetic memory and Pam has a memory like a sieve and most of it is make believe, delusion and lies which explains her mental health problems.
Pam calls herself a Wakka Wakka traditional owner whereas the reality is she is not a traditional owner of anything because, as her older brother lawyer Kevin who has been involved in the Wakka Wakka Native Title claim said, we (the Williams family) are descendants of the Wakka Wakka, we are traditional owners of nothing, all Wakka Wakka land is now crown, freehold or leasehold land.
It has to be remembered that Native Title was an alien concept in Australia from 1788 until 3 June 1992 when the Mabo decision was handed down by the High Court.
Pam calls herself a medicine woman. Kevin says “if she's a medicine woman then he's Santa Claus”, but as he says “if calling herself a medicine woman doesn't hurt anyone he doesn't care” but when she lies about her family she will be called out for what she is, a mentally unstable, lying, delusional psychopath.
In an email to her cousin on 22 February 2019 Pam said she knows nothing about her paternal grand father, yet in the book she said he was dark Irish with a sprinkling of Welsh who came to Australia in 1873. (p.7)
This is Pam making up a story to fit the narrative. Pam’s older siblings and younger sisters can attest that their father is Aboriginal, they know what tribe he’s from and keep in regular contact with cousins, nieces and nephews. Read the attachment from the Williams family detailing the author’s lies and fantasy about her life and family The Fiction that is A Long Way From No Go.
Also read the attached Journal Article Living in Shadows, Healing in the Law: An Aboriginal Experience of Recovery Using Psychotherapy and Aboriginal Spiritual Practice. The allegations that the author made in this article are just total madness and when forensically examined just don’t add up. What Pam alleges in the Journal Article didn’t happen and anyone with a modicum of intelligence would question such outlandish allegations.
In the article it seems, according to Pam she was supposedly being raped from the age of five to twelve by most of the adult male population of Longreach as well as in Brisbane where she supposedly went to swim at the State Titles and, as she said in the book, onwards to Commonwealth Games glory (the Rockhampton regionals in 1968 was the only time Pam ever swam outside of Longreach and other towns in the central west). She also says she was drinking heavily during this time, from age five to twelve, [that is just crazy, stupid, madness]. None of her older siblings ever recall Pam rolling home from the pub with a carton of beer slung under her arm or the odd bottle of rum or two (a bit difficult for a five year old one would think, not to mention how was a five year old supposedly paying for all this grog?) It's just madness, make believe and lies.
She never swam at the State Titles, she never went to Brisbane and she was supposedly on the demon drink all the time while training to be a world class swimmer(which she wasn't.) Pam’s older sister Patricia was by far a better and more successful swimmer. Most sensible, reasonable and rational people who read this would think this is just plain crazy and it is, it’s completely delusional.
Pam in her delusional mad mind wants people to think it happened. It's the psychopath narcissist coming out in her, she needs to lie to be the centre of attention.
Cathi Lewis (Wild Dingo Press) also put out an undated press release in 2019 stating the Catholic church are muzzling the author when the reality is the Williams family along with other concerned people took steps to ensure the truth got out about the lies in the book and as a result some of Pam’s speaking engagements promoting A Long Way From No Go were cancelled.
It is inherently racist that Cathi Lewis can continue to ignore what she has been told by the Williams family, which is the truth, and not even acknowledge them. Yet she demands in the press release that the campaign against the author cease and that she be given the right to free speech. Cathi Lewis needs to be reminded that free speech is one thing but when it is lies, fiction and fantasy for the authors own gratification then both her and the author need to be made fully accountable for their actions.
The Williams family acknowledge that Pam was sexually abused by a catholic priest Leo Wright when she was a high school student at the Range Convent in Rockhampton (see the attached statement from the Williams family). They also know she wasn't raped or abused by any of the male adult population of Longreach or raped in Brisbane because she never went to Brisbane, nor was she raped by a priest in Longreach because the priest had never been to Longreach, nor did it happen in Rockhampton when she decided to change her mind when interviewed by Fran Kelly on AM 4 September 2018 after she had been caught out saying the rape happened in Longreach.
Her father never took her to a Presbytery, Bishop’s House or anywhere near catholic clergy because he was an atheist who never set foot in a church save for the occasional funeral and wedding. He had nothing but disdain for religion and as Pam's older brother Kevin said he was with her when she allegedly was taken to be raped by priests in Rockhampton. Kevin said they (the supposed rapes) didn't happen, it's just Pam grandstanding, wanting to be the centre of attention so people who read the book can go “oh dear what an amazing woman”, when the reality is it's all made up by her. The reality is Mad Pam is a liar, thief, narcissist and exhibits all the traits of a psychopath
Several years ago in the Koori Mail there was an article about Pam's abuse by the catholic priest Leo Wright when she was in high school. An Aboriginal woman who has known Pam for over thirty years after reading the article actually rang her brother Kevin and asked "Is this true or is it just your mad sister grandstanding again?"
An Aboriginal woman said to Kevin at the NAIDOC day gathering in Musgrave Park on 12 July 2019, "I see your mad sister is doing a workshop up the coast."
On her Wild Dingo Press website Cathi Lewis promotes A Long Way From No Go as being long listed for a Walkley Award which never went anywhere after the Williams family and other concerned people notified the Walkley people about the lies in the book and how they were easily rebuttable. The Walkley's wouldn’t want their reputation tarnished.
How much money is Cathi Lewis making out of this book? Has she no scruples knowing full well the book is full of lies and hurtful to several decent people yet she continues to promote it. What sort of person is Cathi Lewis?
People should read the book just so they can see how evil and manipulative Pam Williams is and how stupid Julie Szego, Christine McKee and Cathi Lewis are for not questioning anything about Pam’s life or contacting anyone who could verify what she said or point out the numerous lies, fantasy and make believe in the book A Long Way From No Go. The book is available in some public libraries but they will be notified in due course of the lies in the book that have been proven to be false and will be requested to remove the book from their shelves.
A Long Way From No Go is also badly written and it would never have been printed if the publisher Cathi Lewis and the ghost writer Julie Szego did a proper investigation of what Pam said. What the author has done is hurt decent people with her horrendous lies and Cathi Lewis and Julie Szego are willing participants in the lies.
What sort of people are Cathi Lewis, Julie Szego and Christine McKee that they ignored the truth about the madness of the author and her lies. Have a read of what one of Pam’s cousins has to say about these three in the email 29 May 2019 sent to Christine McKee from lawyer Kevin Williams which is attached. This email details McKee’s ignorance and stupidity in regard to her five articles published in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin. These articles were supposedly “investigative” exposures yet there was no investigation. McKee took Pam Williams’ (aka Tjanara Goreng Goreng her fictitious silly blackfella name) allegations as the truth but as has been shown, it was all made up lies and fantasy.
Julie Szego the ghost writer was sent emails to her address at The Age and Fairfax press where she worked as a journalist as well as being contacted through Linkedin but like Cathi Lewis she refused to respond to the information provided that points out the lies and make believe of Pam Williams. Interestingly the silence from Julie Szego since she was made aware of the lies and fantasy in the book that she ghost wrote has been deafening. Perhaps she realises she's been manipulated by a psychopath and has distanced herself from Pam. Who knows because she didn't respond to requests to discuss the lies in the books? Or maybe she's so embarrassed by what she did that she's buried her head in the sand. In the Links section of this website there is a YouTube video of an interview with Julie Szego talking about this book she ghost wrote for Pam Williams, her fawning over the book is sickening, is she still in contact with her or has she realized she's been conned by Pam?
There has been nothing more from Christine McKee the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin Journalist since her last "investigative story" on 22 December 2018. Perhaps she realises now that she's also been conned by Mad Pam.
After the articles written by Christine McKee in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin were exposed as wrong, News Corporation the owner of the newspaper published online the following;
As noted in Ms Goreng Goreng's book , she reported to the Rockhampton police a number of allegations about Father Johnson's conduct in Longreach.
While Father Johnson declined to answer questions, he did through a representative, inform police that he had never been to Longreach and denied any offence on his part.
After police conducted further investigations, over a number of months, they found no evidence that Father Johnson had ever been to Longreach and they informed him he would not be charged and the investigation was closed.
No allegations about his conduct in Rockhampton were put to Father Johnson by police and his family deny he would have engaged in any local wrongdoing.
After Fran Kelly’s interview on AM with Pam on 4 September 2018 a complaint was made to the ABC regarding her supposed rape by a priest in Longreach which, when investigated, was upheld so the following retraction was published on the ABC Website:
"The ABC acknowledges that the presenter (Fran Kelly) should not have stated as fact that Father Mick Hayes and Father Grove Johnson assaulted Ms Goreng Goreng when she was a child.
The program should have made clear that they were allegations made in her memoir and that in the case of Father Johnson they had been investigated by police and the investigation was reportedly closed for lack of evidence. The presenter also inaccurately stated as fact that Father Johnson was deceased at the time Ms Goreng Goreng spoke at the Royal Commission Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The program amended the online headlines for the segment to make clear that it was alleged abuse to Ms Goreng Goreng's and added an Editor’s note to clarify the matter. A correction was also posted to the ABC's Corrections and Clarifications webpage. (https://about.abc.net.au/complaints/breakfast-41/)
The barrister who’s been involved in the Wakka Wakka Native Title claim told Kevin she was listening to the Fran Kelly interview and when Kelly introduced Pam as Tjanara Goreng Goreng she thought to herself, this woman is barking mad. She didn’t realise at the time that she was Kevin’s mad sister.
It is disturbing that this book is in the public domain. A memoir is supposed to be a truthful story of one’s life. This book is not a memoir it is a pack of lies by a delusional, mentally unstable person as it relates to her life in Longreach and Rockhampton. Why weren’t her claims investigated?
There is absolutely nothing in the book to suggest that the publisher Cathi Lewis or the ghost writer Julie Szego did any investigating of the author’s outrageous claims in relation to the two priests and her father. A novice journalist would not be so inept as these pair. As Kevin Williams said in his email to Christine McKee “they are a disgrace to the journalism profession”.
The Long Road From No Go should have been about Mad Pam's parents and how hard they worked and struggled to raise seven children and give those seven children a life and opportunities they could only dream about. Pam’s parents will always be respected by their immediate and extended family, in the Aboriginal and Islander community and by others who knew them. Pam will never have that respect, she will always be known as mad, delusional, manipulative and as someone who has total disregard for the truth.
It would be good if Pam Williams (aka by her silly fictitious Aboriginal name Tjanara Goreng Goreng) could just get on with her life without telling lies, hurting people and wanting to be the centre of attention but she can't because she is mentally unstable, narcissistic and manipulative, she has no interest in truth, only in herself and her delusions of greatness, which are just that, delusions.
Attached to this article are a number of publications that point out the lies and madness of the book A Long Way From No Go as well as the time lines relating to it.
It is proven beyond doubt that the author Pam Williams who now calls herself a silly, offensive made up blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng was never raped by two priests in Rockhampton in 1969 when she alleged nor was she raped in Longreach by the same two priests when she was six years old because they'd never been to Longreach then and her father never took her anywhere near a church or presbytery in Rockhampton when she alleged and her older brother who was with them can confirm it never happened. Put simply the author needs to lie to continue to be the centre of attention. If her allegations weren't so vile and evil it would be just sad and stupid. It's just Pam the pathological liar.
There is an Aboriginal community in Far North Queensland which uses an English word to describe someone or something that is extremely offensive, it encapsulates everything that is dishonest, evil, vile and disgusting. It's a simple word, rubbish, it fits Pam Williams (the fictitious aborigine Tjanara Goreng Goreng) the author to a tee.
Update 3 March 2021
Pam is now running as the Senate candidate for the Greens party at the next federal election for the seat of Canberra, blackfellas are having a chuckle about that as she won't ever be employed in an Aboriginal organisation again because of the lies she told about her parents and family and she's been sacked from too many jobs over the years and people are realising she's not someone who you want working for them. She's now a sessional lecturer at ACU in Canberra (which she won't be in for much longer in her ever diminishing career in academia). She's getting desperate for proper paid employment thankfully she won't be elected to the Senate and because of her public profile the number of hits on this website www.tjanaragorenggoreng.com have risen substantially so a lot more people are able to read about what an appalling person she is and unfortunately for Pam this website is going to be around for a very long time.
This website will be updated from time to time so that people are made aware of the latest litany of lies.
The Williams family joke that whenever Pam has turned up to see their Mum and Dad (and you could count that on the fingers of one hand in the last 40 years) she steals something. As her older brother lawyer Kevin said Pam is mad and has been since the day she was born, there is also ample evidence to show that she is also a liar and a thief.
"We (the Williams family) have tolerated and lived with her madness all our life and have dealt with her lies and madness as best we could but what she has alleged against our father is beyond the pale and this is the reason we have taken a stance to expose her for the fraud she is."
Pam despises her older brother Kevin because he carries the Wakka Wakka knowledge and history of the Williams family. As he said, perhaps it was prescient of our parents to with-hold blackfella knowledge from Pam because they knew that she would use it for the wrong reasons. Pam actually asked her younger sister to get the family knowledge from Kevin, Pam’s sister’s response was “ask him yourself”. Needless to say Kevin never heard from Pam.
Pam has a propensity to make up things and expects people to go along with what she says but when she is called out for her lies she backtracks or tries to cover her lies with more lies. For example her fictitious blackfella name, Tjanara Goreng Goreng. In the year of the Bicentenary 1988 Pam decided to change her name to Tjanara Goreng Goreng which poses a problem because Pam is not Goreng Goreng she is Wakka Wakka. Pam's two younger sisters were having a laugh one day after Pam decided to change her name to the silly Tjanara Goreng Goreng, they each decided to make up a blackfella name for themselves one said "I'll call myself Jedda Wakka Wakka and the other said "I'll call myself Jezabell Wuli Wuli." and blackfellas can think we're mad too just like Pam. They at least knew that they got the tribes right which is more than Pam every did with her silly offensive name Tjanara Goreng Goreng.
As other members of the Williams family and many relatives can tell you they are not Goreng Goreng, “we are Wakka Wakka, never have been, never will be Goreng Goreng,” yet Pam tries to explain it away in the book by saying on page 90 "rejecting my English surname ...for Goreng Goreng, one of our clan names through intermarriage." No-one in the Williams family is married to any Goreng Goreng person. Her older brother said this is just another barefaced lie, it is so typical of Mad Pam, she just makes something up and expects everyone to go along with what she says regardless of how offensive it is.
Pam didn't even know she was Wakka Wakka so she just picked out a blackfella tribe near where she knew Mum came from but she picked the wrong one and now she is trying to explain it away by saying it's through intermarriage which it isn't. On another occasion, in an effort to try and make her fictitious Goreng Goreng name believable, she said she was given the name by a friend of her mothers who is now deceased, which not only is a lie, it is offensive to the deceased woman in question and not the way things are done anyway. It's like waking up one day and saying I'm going to call myself Womba Womba Gubbi Gubbi and expect people to accept such madness.
Pam has gone through a few name changes over the years from Pam Williams to Pam Errington to Pam Errington-Williams to Pam Tjanara Williams to the current offensive fictitious blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng. Her most recent name change happened in April 2020, Pam now calls herself Auntie Dr. Tjanara Goreng Goreng. People need to realize that to be called Auntie in the Aboriginal community is a sign of respect which precludes Pam because of her history of lies, theft and appalling behaviour. Pam has just decided to call herself auntie but she is too well known in the Aboriginal community as Mad Pam to be accorded a title of respect such as Auntie. This is just another instance of Pam doing what she thinks she can get away with and expecting people to go along with her silliness. Pam gets confused quite often, she's been called out for calling herself Auntie so she doesn't do it anymore she now calls herself a senior Aboriginal person which means absolutely nothing to blackfellas and she'll never be an Aboriginal elder because she was never given any knowledge of custom and lore from her Wakka Wakka mother despite what she says which is yet another of her lies, it's just Pam the pathological liar talking rubbish.
Pam talks about herself as an "elder in training". There are a number of blackfellas who when hearing this laughed their heads off, they know it's just rubbish talk. A separate page will be set up to explain that there is no such thing as an "elder in training". This is sillier than her calling herself a medicine woman. Just a bit more delusional fantasy made up by Pam.
In the book she says she was raped by a Catholic priest in Longreach (at age 6) when it can be established beyond doubt that the priest had never been to Longreach so Pam then says it happened in Rockhampton. It begs the question “how could she have been in Rockhampton at age 6 when her family lived in Longreach and she had never been to Rockhampton until she swam at the regional swimming meet in 1968”. In the interview with Fran Kelly on AM 4 September 2018 she said that her father took her to the Bishop’s House in Rockhampton in 1969 (at age 11) to be raped by two catholic priests when she was to swim at the regional swimming carnival. In the book she said they stayed in a house across the road from the Bishops residence. The reality is Pam swam at the regionals in 1968 not 1969 and her older brother Kevin was with their father and Pam.
He can confirm that they never went to any Bishop's House, that their father was an atheist and had nothing to do with the Catholic Church, religion or priests. He also confirms that they stayed at the People’s Palace which was the cheapest accommodation in Rockhampton and walked to and from the swimming pool where she swam.
Kevin said the People’s Palace was several kilometers from any Bishop's House which we never went anywhere near anyway. 1968 was the only time Pam swam at the Rockhampton regionals. Kevin advises that he has an eidetic memory and Pam has a memory like a sieve and most of it is make believe, delusion and lies which explains her mental health problems.
Pam calls herself a Wakka Wakka traditional owner whereas the reality is she is not a traditional owner of anything because, as her older brother lawyer Kevin who has been involved in the Wakka Wakka Native Title claim said, we (the Williams family) are descendants of the Wakka Wakka, we are traditional owners of nothing, all Wakka Wakka land is now crown, freehold or leasehold land.
It has to be remembered that Native Title was an alien concept in Australia from 1788 until 3 June 1992 when the Mabo decision was handed down by the High Court.
Pam calls herself a medicine woman. Kevin says “if she's a medicine woman then he's Santa Claus”, but as he says “if calling herself a medicine woman doesn't hurt anyone he doesn't care” but when she lies about her family she will be called out for what she is, a mentally unstable, lying, delusional psychopath.
In an email to her cousin on 22 February 2019 Pam said she knows nothing about her paternal grand father, yet in the book she said he was dark Irish with a sprinkling of Welsh who came to Australia in 1873. (p.7)
This is Pam making up a story to fit the narrative. Pam’s older siblings and younger sisters can attest that their father is Aboriginal, they know what tribe he’s from and keep in regular contact with cousins, nieces and nephews. Read the attachment from the Williams family detailing the author’s lies and fantasy about her life and family The Fiction that is A Long Way From No Go.
Also read the attached Journal Article Living in Shadows, Healing in the Law: An Aboriginal Experience of Recovery Using Psychotherapy and Aboriginal Spiritual Practice. The allegations that the author made in this article are just total madness and when forensically examined just don’t add up. What Pam alleges in the Journal Article didn’t happen and anyone with a modicum of intelligence would question such outlandish allegations.
In the article it seems, according to Pam she was supposedly being raped from the age of five to twelve by most of the adult male population of Longreach as well as in Brisbane where she supposedly went to swim at the State Titles and, as she said in the book, onwards to Commonwealth Games glory (the Rockhampton regionals in 1968 was the only time Pam ever swam outside of Longreach and other towns in the central west). She also says she was drinking heavily during this time, from age five to twelve, [that is just crazy, stupid, madness]. None of her older siblings ever recall Pam rolling home from the pub with a carton of beer slung under her arm or the odd bottle of rum or two (a bit difficult for a five year old one would think, not to mention how was a five year old supposedly paying for all this grog?) It's just madness, make believe and lies.
She never swam at the State Titles, she never went to Brisbane and she was supposedly on the demon drink all the time while training to be a world class swimmer(which she wasn't.) Pam’s older sister Patricia was by far a better and more successful swimmer. Most sensible, reasonable and rational people who read this would think this is just plain crazy and it is, it’s completely delusional.
Pam in her delusional mad mind wants people to think it happened. It's the psychopath narcissist coming out in her, she needs to lie to be the centre of attention.
Cathi Lewis (Wild Dingo Press) also put out an undated press release in 2019 stating the Catholic church are muzzling the author when the reality is the Williams family along with other concerned people took steps to ensure the truth got out about the lies in the book and as a result some of Pam’s speaking engagements promoting A Long Way From No Go were cancelled.
It is inherently racist that Cathi Lewis can continue to ignore what she has been told by the Williams family, which is the truth, and not even acknowledge them. Yet she demands in the press release that the campaign against the author cease and that she be given the right to free speech. Cathi Lewis needs to be reminded that free speech is one thing but when it is lies, fiction and fantasy for the authors own gratification then both her and the author need to be made fully accountable for their actions.
The Williams family acknowledge that Pam was sexually abused by a catholic priest Leo Wright when she was a high school student at the Range Convent in Rockhampton (see the attached statement from the Williams family). They also know she wasn't raped or abused by any of the male adult population of Longreach or raped in Brisbane because she never went to Brisbane, nor was she raped by a priest in Longreach because the priest had never been to Longreach, nor did it happen in Rockhampton when she decided to change her mind when interviewed by Fran Kelly on AM 4 September 2018 after she had been caught out saying the rape happened in Longreach.
Her father never took her to a Presbytery, Bishop’s House or anywhere near catholic clergy because he was an atheist who never set foot in a church save for the occasional funeral and wedding. He had nothing but disdain for religion and as Pam's older brother Kevin said he was with her when she allegedly was taken to be raped by priests in Rockhampton. Kevin said they (the supposed rapes) didn't happen, it's just Pam grandstanding, wanting to be the centre of attention so people who read the book can go “oh dear what an amazing woman”, when the reality is it's all made up by her. The reality is Mad Pam is a liar, thief, narcissist and exhibits all the traits of a psychopath
Several years ago in the Koori Mail there was an article about Pam's abuse by the catholic priest Leo Wright when she was in high school. An Aboriginal woman who has known Pam for over thirty years after reading the article actually rang her brother Kevin and asked "Is this true or is it just your mad sister grandstanding again?"
An Aboriginal woman said to Kevin at the NAIDOC day gathering in Musgrave Park on 12 July 2019, "I see your mad sister is doing a workshop up the coast."
On her Wild Dingo Press website Cathi Lewis promotes A Long Way From No Go as being long listed for a Walkley Award which never went anywhere after the Williams family and other concerned people notified the Walkley people about the lies in the book and how they were easily rebuttable. The Walkley's wouldn’t want their reputation tarnished.
How much money is Cathi Lewis making out of this book? Has she no scruples knowing full well the book is full of lies and hurtful to several decent people yet she continues to promote it. What sort of person is Cathi Lewis?
People should read the book just so they can see how evil and manipulative Pam Williams is and how stupid Julie Szego, Christine McKee and Cathi Lewis are for not questioning anything about Pam’s life or contacting anyone who could verify what she said or point out the numerous lies, fantasy and make believe in the book A Long Way From No Go. The book is available in some public libraries but they will be notified in due course of the lies in the book that have been proven to be false and will be requested to remove the book from their shelves.
A Long Way From No Go is also badly written and it would never have been printed if the publisher Cathi Lewis and the ghost writer Julie Szego did a proper investigation of what Pam said. What the author has done is hurt decent people with her horrendous lies and Cathi Lewis and Julie Szego are willing participants in the lies.
What sort of people are Cathi Lewis, Julie Szego and Christine McKee that they ignored the truth about the madness of the author and her lies. Have a read of what one of Pam’s cousins has to say about these three in the email 29 May 2019 sent to Christine McKee from lawyer Kevin Williams which is attached. This email details McKee’s ignorance and stupidity in regard to her five articles published in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin. These articles were supposedly “investigative” exposures yet there was no investigation. McKee took Pam Williams’ (aka Tjanara Goreng Goreng her fictitious silly blackfella name) allegations as the truth but as has been shown, it was all made up lies and fantasy.
Julie Szego the ghost writer was sent emails to her address at The Age and Fairfax press where she worked as a journalist as well as being contacted through Linkedin but like Cathi Lewis she refused to respond to the information provided that points out the lies and make believe of Pam Williams. Interestingly the silence from Julie Szego since she was made aware of the lies and fantasy in the book that she ghost wrote has been deafening. Perhaps she realises she's been manipulated by a psychopath and has distanced herself from Pam. Who knows because she didn't respond to requests to discuss the lies in the books? Or maybe she's so embarrassed by what she did that she's buried her head in the sand. In the Links section of this website there is a YouTube video of an interview with Julie Szego talking about this book she ghost wrote for Pam Williams, her fawning over the book is sickening, is she still in contact with her or has she realized she's been conned by Pam?
There has been nothing more from Christine McKee the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin Journalist since her last "investigative story" on 22 December 2018. Perhaps she realises now that she's also been conned by Mad Pam.
After the articles written by Christine McKee in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin were exposed as wrong, News Corporation the owner of the newspaper published online the following;
As noted in Ms Goreng Goreng's book , she reported to the Rockhampton police a number of allegations about Father Johnson's conduct in Longreach.
While Father Johnson declined to answer questions, he did through a representative, inform police that he had never been to Longreach and denied any offence on his part.
After police conducted further investigations, over a number of months, they found no evidence that Father Johnson had ever been to Longreach and they informed him he would not be charged and the investigation was closed.
No allegations about his conduct in Rockhampton were put to Father Johnson by police and his family deny he would have engaged in any local wrongdoing.
After Fran Kelly’s interview on AM with Pam on 4 September 2018 a complaint was made to the ABC regarding her supposed rape by a priest in Longreach which, when investigated, was upheld so the following retraction was published on the ABC Website:
"The ABC acknowledges that the presenter (Fran Kelly) should not have stated as fact that Father Mick Hayes and Father Grove Johnson assaulted Ms Goreng Goreng when she was a child.
The program should have made clear that they were allegations made in her memoir and that in the case of Father Johnson they had been investigated by police and the investigation was reportedly closed for lack of evidence. The presenter also inaccurately stated as fact that Father Johnson was deceased at the time Ms Goreng Goreng spoke at the Royal Commission Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The program amended the online headlines for the segment to make clear that it was alleged abuse to Ms Goreng Goreng's and added an Editor’s note to clarify the matter. A correction was also posted to the ABC's Corrections and Clarifications webpage. (https://about.abc.net.au/complaints/breakfast-41/)
The barrister who’s been involved in the Wakka Wakka Native Title claim told Kevin she was listening to the Fran Kelly interview and when Kelly introduced Pam as Tjanara Goreng Goreng she thought to herself, this woman is barking mad. She didn’t realise at the time that she was Kevin’s mad sister.
It is disturbing that this book is in the public domain. A memoir is supposed to be a truthful story of one’s life. This book is not a memoir it is a pack of lies by a delusional, mentally unstable person as it relates to her life in Longreach and Rockhampton. Why weren’t her claims investigated?
There is absolutely nothing in the book to suggest that the publisher Cathi Lewis or the ghost writer Julie Szego did any investigating of the author’s outrageous claims in relation to the two priests and her father. A novice journalist would not be so inept as these pair. As Kevin Williams said in his email to Christine McKee “they are a disgrace to the journalism profession”.
The Long Road From No Go should have been about Mad Pam's parents and how hard they worked and struggled to raise seven children and give those seven children a life and opportunities they could only dream about. Pam’s parents will always be respected by their immediate and extended family, in the Aboriginal and Islander community and by others who knew them. Pam will never have that respect, she will always be known as mad, delusional, manipulative and as someone who has total disregard for the truth.
It would be good if Pam Williams (aka by her silly fictitious Aboriginal name Tjanara Goreng Goreng) could just get on with her life without telling lies, hurting people and wanting to be the centre of attention but she can't because she is mentally unstable, narcissistic and manipulative, she has no interest in truth, only in herself and her delusions of greatness, which are just that, delusions.
Attached to this article are a number of publications that point out the lies and madness of the book A Long Way From No Go as well as the time lines relating to it.
It is proven beyond doubt that the author Pam Williams who now calls herself a silly, offensive made up blackfella name Tjanara Goreng Goreng was never raped by two priests in Rockhampton in 1969 when she alleged nor was she raped in Longreach by the same two priests when she was six years old because they'd never been to Longreach then and her father never took her anywhere near a church or presbytery in Rockhampton when she alleged and her older brother who was with them can confirm it never happened. Put simply the author needs to lie to continue to be the centre of attention. If her allegations weren't so vile and evil it would be just sad and stupid. It's just Pam the pathological liar.
There is an Aboriginal community in Far North Queensland which uses an English word to describe someone or something that is extremely offensive, it encapsulates everything that is dishonest, evil, vile and disgusting. It's a simple word, rubbish, it fits Pam Williams (the fictitious aborigine Tjanara Goreng Goreng) the author to a tee.
Update 3 March 2021
Pam is now running as the Senate candidate for the Greens party at the next federal election for the seat of Canberra, blackfellas are having a chuckle about that as she won't ever be employed in an Aboriginal organisation again because of the lies she told about her parents and family and she's been sacked from too many jobs over the years and people are realising she's not someone who you want working for them. She's now a sessional lecturer at ACU in Canberra (which she won't be in for much longer in her ever diminishing career in academia). She's getting desperate for proper paid employment thankfully she won't be elected to the Senate and because of her public profile the number of hits on this website www.tjanaragorenggoreng.com have risen substantially so a lot more people are able to read about what an appalling person she is and unfortunately for Pam this website is going to be around for a very long time.
This website will be updated from time to time so that people are made aware of the latest litany of lies.